2 North Chamisa Drive, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508-9483
Eldorado Area Water & Sanitation District (EAWSD) provides clean, safe, and reliable water services to almost 3,000 customer accounts in the unincorporated area around Eldorado in Santa Fe County, New Mexico. EAWSD is a special governmental district formed under New Mexico's Water & Sanitation District Act NMSA 1978, Sections 73-21-1 through 73-21-54. It is a public water system, dedicated to bringing the best and most economical water service possible to its ratepayers, while adhering to the laws of New Mexico, the regulations of the State Drinking Water Bureau and U.S. EPA and the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. The District owns and operates all of its own facilities, including wells, pumping stations, storage tanks, and water distribution systems.
Current news and notices may be found on the home page of this website. Other specific information about the District, our water system, and our water quality and resources can be found elsewhere on the website. If you cannot find the answer to the question you are seeking, please don't hesitate to contact us. We also always appreciate suggestions for improving or adding information to the site.
We are committed to providing the best possible customer service and to keeping our customers well informed about their water system and the water they drink.
Steve King
Interim General Manager
Mission Statement
The mission of the Eldorado Area Water & Sanitation District staff and Board of Directors (District) is to:
Provide safe, reliable and cost effective drinking water to the District ratepayers;
Protect the investment of District taxpayers and ratepayers through sound financial management, and carefully planned and responsible maintenance and improvement of the water system infrastructure;
Provide outstanding customer service to District ratepayers;
Conduct all business openly and transparently;
Protect and preserve the water supply for future generations.