2 North Chamisa Drive, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508-9483
Water Main Flushing will start on March 10th, weather permitting, (Mon. through Fri., 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM) and conclude on or before March 31st. Flushing is an annual maintenance operation that helps improve water quality. Please Click HERE to see the flyer.

EAWSD provides clean, safe, and reliable water services to almost 3,000 customers in the unincorporated area around Eldorado in Santa Fe County, New Mexico.
District Updates
News & Notices
Telephone Numbers/Email
Annual Summer Watering Restrictions are in effect 5/1/2025 to 8/31/2025
Click here for the District's updated and Board approved version of WRAMP.
EAWSD Board Meetings are now routinely scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month. These meetings are held at the District office and are open to the public. Please see the calendar for updates or changes to this schedule.
The next Board Meeting is March 19th at 5:30 pm in the EAWSD Public Conference Room.
Hot Topics
June 27, 2024
PFAS (Forever Chemicals) in Eldorado
EAWSD has completed testing under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 5) which included testing for PFAS, also known as "forever chemicals" because of their persistence in the environment. Below are links to EPA Factsheets regarding UCMR 5 and PFAS. Please get in touch with our office if you have any additional questions. EAWSD continues to provide sustainable, safe, and compliant drinking water to its customers. Please see our most recent CCR here.
EAWSD Alert Notification System
EAWSD Alert will serve as the official notification system to communicate with customers during an emergency situation that can impact water service to your home. EAWSD strongly urges all EAWSD customers to enroll by clicking on the logo image to the left.
Still have questions? Visit the EAWSD Alert information page from the link below: EAWSD Alert Information
April 25, 2024
2024 Water Quality Report
The annual Water Quality Report for water treated in 2023, also referred to as the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), is available for viewing by clicking on the button below. More information can be obtained by emailing the EAWSD Customer Service and Billing Office at customer.support@EAWSD.org or by calling (505) 466-1085 Opt. 1 and requesting that a hard copy be mailed to you.
Customer Service & Billing
(505) 466-1085 (Option 1)
(505) 466-2411 (Option 2)
Reporting a problem AFTER business hours or on holidays:
(505) 780-0090
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm (MT)
Closed Holidays (see calendar)
2 North Chamisa Drive
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508 - 9483
Need assistance with your
water bill?
Click on any of the links below for some options to consider.
Fire Prevention Links:
Common Questions
What is our water hardness?
Generally, the water hardness in Eldorado is about 300-350 parts per million or milligrams per liter. This is also equivalent to about 17-20 grains per gallon. If you wish to soften your tap water with a commercially available water softener, the installer will want to know this water hardness level in order to properly adjust the softener. Link to other FAQs about your water.